March 6, 2011

Are we dancing to the rhythm of Distraction?

      Here is the thought:
We now look at music the same way that we look at TV...
We either a) take it textually, (ex. the news) or b) use it at a way to ignore the world.
      In the book "Dancing in the Music Factor," Richard Corliss talks about the fact that music has lost it's meaning, now that we have placed videos with music (MTV), bands like Arcade Fire use videos to enhance the denotation of their lyrics, give a character, an example, and a relatable substance to the words.  But instead of reading into the signs, we do anything but listen.
It takes 10 seconds to decide whether it keeps our interest.
We critique the attire.
We look for the big hair
We wait for the sex

We have decided to ignore the reality of it all.  If the music shows reality, we refuse to look intrinsically at ourselves... We don't want to look at ourselves the way we are, we just want to know it's "pretty."
But what have been the results of this ignorance?  We have become crazed fans of those who allow us this pleasure of just being. 
Lady Gaga tells us
"All we care about is, runway models, cadillacs
and liquor bottles
Give me something I wanna be, retro glamour,
Hollywood yes we live for the fame"

while Arcade Fire says
 "I feel like I've been living in
A city with no children in it
A garden left for ruin by a millionaire inside
Of a private prison"

Who defines us? The music.


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